Magento – Second website on subfolder doesn’t work: how to debug


I want to create secondary website to be accessed in a subfolder. My base magento installation folder is in domain's root I am setting up secondary website in

I have created the secondary website in Magento Admin, given the code ws2 and set unsecure and secure base urls to

Since I am on a shared hosting, and I don't have access to apache configuration, I have followed this tutorial with Step 2- Method 1 Separate Directories for Each Store.

Essentially, I have created a new folder, copied there index.php and .htaccess. I have created the symlinks pointing at the app, include, js, lib, media, skin, var folders of the root installation.

I have edited index.php in ws2 folder, changing last line to:

Mage::run('ws2', 'website');

Unfortunately, when I access the url, I get 404 Page Not Found error.

Have I made a big mistake? If no, how can I debug this?

Best Answer

If 404 Error is generated by Magento, it means that everything is fine.

Just magento's home page is cms page and by default is configured to be displayed on default website.

Go to admin section to CMS->Pages and edit "Home" page to be displayed on all websites. Or create one more home page which will be displayed only on your new website.

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