Magento – Security Patch SUPEE-11314 – Possible problems


Magento have released new Magento 1 versions


The patch number is SUPEE-11314 and is available at

A summary (covering both M1 and M2 so it's hard to discern) is available at

Did you encounter any compatibility problems or bugs after applying the patch?

Best Answer

Be aware that it isn't possible to revert this update, it updates the password hashes so you won't be able to login on the admin or front end if you install then revert back to

Ebizmarts SagePay extension MOTO admin payments stopped working in, the payments on the frontend were unaffected.

Server error 5006: Unable to redirect to Vendor's web site. The Vendor
failed to provide a RedirectionURL.

The Ebizmarts SagePay extension uses an Admin SID to get the response from SagePay to the Magento Admin. To get working I had to override the following to re-enable Admin SID's: app/code/core/Mage/Admin/etc/config.xml


I am also having a problem with it creating multiple NULL, NULL users with a different password hash in the admin_user table, I have not figured out what is causing it yet. Is anyone else having this problem?