Magento – send custom mail with variable via script


I want to send new register customer email with one variable generated by script.

I am trying using $customerObj->sendNewAccountEmail('confirmed'); Please tell

How I can send custom email template with variable?

I have created one custom email template 'new register email' in transactional emails with {{var myvar}}

Best Answer

More or less a few arrays to setup, I would suggest tacking onto an observer event (or a core rewrite, in which case you'll find the send function for customer registrations in the mage core customer folder!) to send your custom script out (there's a list of the observers available if you google!):

Declare the sender as an array:

$sender = Array('name'  => 'You',
        'email' => '');

The recipient address, just literally needs to be a string, similarly to the mail subject.

$email = '';

Set your template id:

$templateId = 40;

And finally declare your custom variables to be sent along to the template:

$vars = Array('nameOfCustomer' => $customerName,
              'shippingDetails' => $shipping,
              'storeName' => $store_name,
              'storeURL' => $store_url,
              'orderId' => $orderId);

Followed up with the send function, i tend to just leave the $name as a null var:

$storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
$translate  = Mage::getSingleton('core/translate');
->sendTransactional($templateId, $sender, $email, $name, $vars, $storeId);

Then in your template call the var as literal for example:

{{var storeName}}