Magento 1.9 Extensions – Service Temporarily Unavailable After Installing a Module


I'm running NGinx 1.6.2 with Magento – just wanted to install SMTP Pro Email via the Connect/Mag Downloader webinterface and it got till:

Checking dependencies of packages
Starting to download ASchroder_SMTPPro-2.0.6.tgz …
…done: 32,911 bytes

Then I checked the frontpage after a couple of minutes because I thought there was a problem and I get now everywhere:

Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

There are no logfiles written (/var/log/ is empty) and I don't see anything in the NGinx error – just a 200 in the NGinx access log.

I checked all directories for leftovers from the SMTP extension but nothing has actually been written so far.
I emptied the cache in /var/cache but nothing changes either.

My question: What happens before the download of an extension finished or is being extracted?
Maybe via that way I could figure out how to get my shop back?
Or does anybody know where to digg?

Best Answer

check "maintance.flag" file is present in root folder.

If yes delete that file and refresh again.

refer this Link

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