Magento – Session Cookie Management – Cookie Lifetime


Has anyone ever set the lifetime to 3 days / 259200? I know the standard is 86400.

Would this overload cache/sessions? I'm currently not using redis or and memcache/session management. I have a feeling it would be much more practical to change this setting if I was utilizing

Right now my session save is to the db: <session_save><![CDATA[db]]></session_save>

Should i save it to a file instead?

Pros and Cons?

Best Answer

if the longer lifetime could cause problems depends on the amount of people going to your website and so creating new sessions.

db has the advantage, that you can have the sessions distributed between several app servers (also redis or memcache could do this for you).

But, having the session set to files, should actually be faster if your not using a session handler like redis or memcache.

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