Magento – Set Base Image, Small and Thumbnail to configurable products while images are already uploaded but not assigned


I have lots of configurable products. Everything is working fine but the issue with product images. I have uploaded images to every configurable product but I forget to assign them as Base Image , Small Images, Thumbnail so that images are not visible to the frontend.

enter image description here

Could anyone please suggest me any easy way to assign images programmatically or any other way rather than assigning each image from admin panel because there are lots of configurable products?


I am trying to import the following CSV file to make images selected but still no success CSV FILE

Thank You!

Best Answer

You can assign images to product by import product csv.

Check below sample csv file for import sku with image, assing images to product.

enter image description here

Let me know if you have any query from above.

I hope it will help for you.

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