Magento – Set different catalog price rules/promotions for each language on a multi-language store


I have a magento eccommerce with 3 different languages (3 store views).
Prices are the same in each language/store view (and all in euro), but I would like to apply different catalog discounts for each language, for example 10% discount for italian site, 20% discount for french and 25% for english.
How can I do this?
Do I need to install an extension?

Thanks a lot for your help.

P.S. I'm not a magento specialist, so I hope I can do this without code changes.

Thanks a lot

Best Answer

The catalog price rules are on website level, mainly because the price can be on a global or website level. You cannot have different prices and different catalog price rules on the store view level.
An option would be to transform your 3 store view into 3 websites with one store view each.
This should be simple enough.
Just create 2 more websites and associate 2 of the store views to for each.
Then you have to bulk update the products to associate them to all the websites.
You can do that from the product grid, buy selecting all of them and selecting "Change attributes" from the top right select.

Then you will be able to add your discount rules as you wish.