Magento 1.9 – Set Image Using Default for Particular Store View by Code


Is there any method to set all image(thumb, small, base) using default value for particular store view.

I got strange problem, I installed 2 languages magento, and one day all image in one store view just missing. so I checked on product detail admin, I found that all images are still there. However all images on one store view set as no image. I have 1000+ SKU. how can I mass update all product using default store value ?

I'm trying to search magmi function, and it doesn't provide update for this.

Best Answer

There is a store column in Magmi, which takes the Magento store view code, so use default.

And you can prefix the image source with a + sign to set it as default, e.g.

    store                                          image
   default               +

Include the same for small_image and thumbnail attributes in CSV file above and it should work.

Also make sure you have the Image Attributes Processor plugin enabled within Magmi.