Magento – Set Individual Product’s Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart for a particular customer group


I'm looking to setup a particular product with a minimum order quantity but only for a single customer group ("Wholesale"). Is there a way to do this using the core Magento 2 functionality? Barring that, is there an extension out there available to get this accomplished?

I know that I can edit a particular product and under the Advanced Inventory set the Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart value, but this then applies to all customer groups, and I need to target just a single one instead.

I need to be able to set the minimum quantity for just one product and for just one customer group. Here is a screenshot of the Advanced Inventory window where the value is that I need to set based on the customer group:enter image description here

Best Answer

Solution 1

Admin -> Stores -> Configuration

enter image description here

For individual settings, go to product details AND Click Advanced Inventory

go to Catalog > Inventory > Product Stock Options.

enter image description here

In Product Stock Options, find 2 sections: Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart and Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart.

enter image description here

In Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart, enter a number to determine the maximum quantity for products added to cart.

In Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart, pick customer group and assign the minimum order quantity to that group.

Solution 2 (extension)

Min/Max Order Quantity for Magento 2.

  • to set minimum and maximum order quantity for both customer groups and entire product category

enter image description here