Magento 2 CE – Setup Free Shipping for Customer Groups


How to Setup free shipping for customer group wise in magento2 community edition 2.1.0

I have created a "Cart Price Rule", where i have specified "Customer Group" only Retailer and in the conditions if cart subtotal greaterthan 100, and Actions section Apply to "Percent of product Price discount" and set "Apply to Shipping Amount" to yes.

When test in the front end free shipping is applying to all customers, but i'm looking only for "Retailer" Customer Group.

Please let me know how to achieve this.

Best Answer

It is working fine in mine case. I have created simple shopping cart rule with test and restrict this rule to only retailer customer with free shipping.

Please check below screenshot

First Image

Second Image

Third Image

Retailer Customer on Frontend

Result 1

General Customer on frontend

Result 2

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