Setup Shipping Charges for Different Stores Based on Country in Magento 1.8


I have to one website which contains two different stores. I want to set different shipping charges for the both stores.

Magento Provide different shipping charges per website. but I need to create different shipping rules for both store.

STORE A Shipping Details

Minimum order value € 50 net - shipping charge 
- Minimum order value € 50 net
- Ship € 6.30 net
- Free shipping from 100 € net
- 5% discount from 250 € net

Abroad Austria:
- Minimum order value € 50 net
- Postage to weight
- Free shipping from 250 € net
- 5% discount from 250 € net
- Calculate No VAT

All other foreign:
- Minimum order value € 50 net
- Postage to weight
- 5% discount from 500 € net
- Calculate No VAT
- International prices"

STORE B Shipping Details

- Free shipping from 150 € net

Abroad Austria:
- Parcel postage to weight

All other foreign:
- Parcel postage to weight
- International prices

If anybody faced this type of changes then please help me.

Best Answer

To start of, this is not possible on storeview level, only on website level. And all extensions I know that can do this work also on website level. I've never tried to get this to work on storeview level but I guess there's a reason why all extensions work on website level.

So, if you can change your shops architecture to website levelmost of this stuff you should be able to do with the free Webshopapps Matrixrate extension. It allows you to set up rules similar like table rates shipping but way more advanced.

If, for some reason, it does not provide all functionalities you need you can upgrade to the paid version of that extension. That one can do literally anything when it comes to shipping rules.