Magento – Shipment Tracking displays Error in DHL Easylog Module


I am using a DHL EasyLog Shipping Module

I use DHL International and DPD international Shipping and when I enter the shipping information on the Order I choose DHL (Deprecated) and enter the tracking number.

On the customers end or admin end when I click on the tracking number it brings the Pop-Up up and gives the following:

Tracking Information

Tracking Number: xxxxxxxxxx
Carrier: DHL (Deprecated)
Error: Tracking information is currently not available. Please contact us for more information or email us at Support@………

Please advise!

Best Answer

So a wild guess is that this carrier method is not available or is actually deprecated. As the line in the file /app/code/core/Mage/Usa/etc/config.xml is as follows.

<specificerrmsg>This shipping method is currently unavailable. If you would like to ship using this shipping method, please contact us.</specificerrmsg>

Try using only the carrier with the code dhland label DHL and not the DHL (deprecated) version.

Note: there is an article from magento about installing the dhl deprecated if you need to use this version.

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