Magento – Shipping Charges Not Saving in Database When Adding Product to Cart via Android App


we are using 2 shipping methods in our site.

  1. Table rate shipping method
  2. Custom shipping method [ extension]

we are doing Android app for our magento site.

when we use default shipping methods [ example : "Table rate shipping method " ,code : "tablerate_bestway" ] shipping charges are working fine in site and in andriod app.

when we use custom shipping method [ example : "custom shipping method 1" , code "ship_ship" ] shipping charges are working fine in site but we are getting "0" as shipping charges in android app Because in APP, shipping charges are not saving in "sales_flat_quote_shipping_rate " table It showing "0" in that table.

this is the problem. what we need to do so that shipping charges should work in andriod app when we use custom shipping method.

Best Answer

First,You need to

check available shipping methods for current cart/Quote using Soap api function shoppingCartShippingList().See at link .If you have multiple store view/stores /websites then you need to send store id/code as it parmas.

Just like: $result = $proxy->shoppingCartShippingList($sessionId, 10,'default');

In order to get shipping methods list for a cart

  • you Should save customer shipping address for calculated before getting shipping methods
  • if shoppingCartShippingList() not give the shipping method then you need check backend setting means per as scope wish(at store /view /wise)
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