Magento – Shipping methods in Magento


In which table Magento 1.9 stores shipping methods like free shipping ,flat rate ?

Please help to find it out.

Best Answer

You will get codes and names of sipping methods under core_config_data. Not for all but yes atleast settings will be there. You need to run the following sql query in your database:

SELECT * FROM core_config_data WHERE path LIKE '%carriers%';

You will get all shipping carrier related rows will come up like below;


and many more.

According to the default shipping methods available in magento 1.9.x

The codes of shipping methods should be middle one of the above text like flatrate, tablerate, freeshipping etc.

You can also find the codes from Model of Magento's default Shipping Module in below files:




Open these files you will get like below:

protected $_code = 'freeshipping';
protected $_code = 'flatrate';
protected $_code = 'tablerate';

These are shipping method codes.

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