Magento – Shipping modules does not update rate on zip code changes in guest-checkout page Magento 2 production mode



  1. Magento 2.0.4 install
  2. Cart page and checkout page

Steps to reproduce:

1. Put any product inside your cart
2. Open cart page or checkout page
3. input zipCode to calculate tax for shipping

Expected result
Module should update the rate for shipping each time I change the zip code.

Actual result:
Nothing happens, the value doesn't appear.

It's working perfectly on developer mode, but not in production mode when we update or change zip-code it will do nothing. not even going to validation, no errors.

In developer mode it does validation and sends AJAX request on this url , and everything goes fine.

Any help will thankful of you.

Update: now its work on production mode too if I turn off this things
from admin->stores->configuration->advance->developer Merge JavaScript
Files No Enable Javascript Bundling No Minify JavaScript Files NO

Any help, advice?

Best Answer

This problem can be comes in various way.

  1. check for by turn off this things from


    Enable Javascript Bundling  No
    Minify JavaScript Files NO

this issue is in my case:

  1. If you made some custom code for it go throw

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