Magento 2 Shopping Cart Not Clearing – Troubleshooting Guide


After I updated from Magento version 2.2.3 to 2.2.6 the shopping cart stopped clearing after I click "Clear Shopping Cart" on the cart page.

After I click the button, the page reloads but everything remains the same.

I am using Ultimo theme but I have checked and it doesn't overwrite this behavior anyhow.

What could be the possible issue and where should I start my investigation from?

Best Answer

I've also encountered this issue and I've found out that in vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/templates/cart/form.phtml ~line 27, Magento Team seems missed to put a dot for the 'action' classname. It's a small mistake that creates a big problem. Hopefully this will be fixed in 2.2.7

So from


It should be


*Note: Please don't edit the file in

