Shopping Cart Price Rules – Apply Discount for Every X Products


I want to add a shopping cart rule to my site which gives a discount every 3rd item. For example if there are 3 items for a category in the cart, provide a discount of £2, and when there are 6 items, apply discount of £4 etc. I also have to consider if a customer buys 4 or 5 they'd get the discount set on buying 3 etc. Is it possible to do this with a single rule?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Yes, just give them the discount divided by quantity step. If you want to give $2 discount every 3 items then you would set a Fixed Amount Discount of 0.6667 ($2 / 3) then set the Discount Qty Step to 3. Every 3rd item will result in 0.6667 * 3 discount, or $2.

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