Magento – Shopping carts appearing empty or showing unexpected items


I've had a few customers saying that when they try adding items to the cart, the cart then goes empty or shows other items in the cart that they haven't added and I wondered if anyone else has had such issues (using Magento ver.

I believe that it may be their previous abandoned cart items that are being re-added to the cart – i'm certainly hoping it's that and not another customer's cart items being added. I also noticed that some customer's appear to have 3 or 4 abandoned carts within the same hour or two, according to the abandoned carts report.

This is the problem as described by the customer:

  1. Login
  2. Add an item to the cart and then I'm logged out again
  3. Login again but the shopping cart is either empty or contains items that I haven't ordered
  4. Logout
  5. Login again but the shopping cart is either empty or contains items that I haven't ordered

I suspect that this is somehow a session issue. We're saving sessions to the DB and these are the settings that I have;

Cookie Lifetime: 86400
Use HTTP Only: Yes
Cookie Restriction Mode: No
Validate REMOTE_ADDR: No
Validate HTTP_VIA: No
Use SID on Frontend: No

The site is also just using http with the usual switch to https for the cart and checkout.

Best Answer

I have the same issue with my Magento site. I tried clearing my cookies, it didn't work. I cleared the cache, it didn't work. I cleared the sessions in the DB, it didn't work. I changed the sessions to file session, it didn't work.

I found out that my server's disk storage was full, delete some large files, and it solve the issue.