Magento – Short Summary on Review Page


In catalog/product/view.phtml I have:

<?php echo $this->getReviewsSummaryHtml($_product, "short", true)?>

Which shows the summary_short.phtml version of the reviews, however, when I then click to go to the reviews the catalog/product/view.phtml is still used, so the same parameters will be used for the reviews summary, however it shows the rating/detailed.phtml version.

Any ideas why this is?

Best Answer

So what actually happens is that the layout handle review_product_list which also includes the normal catalog view but with a different main block type:

<block type="review/product_view" name="" template="catalog/product/view.phtml">

Now this block has a different function getReviewsSummaryHtml which will use different blocks to display the reviews and that is why you are getting different review templates for the two pages.