Magento – Show both regular & special price on configurable products


I want to show both special & regular price at the same time on the product listing and product page for configurable products.

Right now it only shows the final price. E.g. if the regular price is $50 and the special price is $40. I will only see 40$.

What I want is that a strike-through the version of the regular price also.

The simple products attached to the configurable products all have a regular & special price set – even if all regular/special prices are the same, only the final price is shown.

Simple products show both special & regular price at the same time. Both prices are also shown if a specific option of the configurable product is selected. But I want it to be shown initially when no option is selected as well.

Best Answer

Not sure if it's just the right way but what it did worked for me.

I copied below file into my theme and removed !$block->isProductList() && on line 22:


<?php if (!$block->isProductList() && $block->hasSpecialPrice()): ?>

and both prices now show up.

Both show up also if only one simple product is special-priced so this could be a good solution only when all simples are special-priced, otherwise for those which are not, it shows inconsistent data.

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