Show Deactivated/Disabled Products in Comparison View in Magento 1.8


I am trying to show a product in comparison view, which is set as status = disabled through admin panel.

In default magento, this seems not possible as the disabled products are not visible in product listing page as well as product details page.

Somehow, I managed to show the disabled products in product listing page and product details page by overriding Mage_Catalog_Helper_Product. In that I commented the following code:

    // if (!$this->canShow($product)) {
    //     return false;
    // }

Now, please someone help me on how to show up the disabled product even in comparison view?

Best Answer

After searching for a long time and failing to extract a solution from mage core files, I created an attribute which does the same as status attribute. I named that attribute as Archive (Yes/No). This new attribute will justify whether a product is discontinued or not.

Atlast, I filter all my product listing, product details and home page related to this new attribute Archive only.

I am planning to write a MVC action, which will change all the products status as enabled and at the same time triggering the Archive as yes for the status = disabled products. I will share the code here soon.

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