Magento – Show Different Product Price Using Observer


on product detail page i want to show price other than original price via observer.

Say product with price 100 will show price as 120 or 110

which observer should i use to do same

I found product price comes from catalog/product/price.phtml

is there any way in admin > catalog > category > custom deign

to call my custom price.html for specifi category

something like below

<reference name="">
            <action method="setTemplate"><template>catalog/product/view_mour.phtml</template></action>

Update code:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

and observer.php

class Mour_Customgroup_Model_Observer

    public function changeprice(Varien_Event_Observer $event) {
        $pricetoadd=Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_GET['id'])->getPrice(); // error comes after adding this line

        $product = $event->getEvent()->getProduct();
        $originalprice = $product->getPrice();
        $customprice = $originalprice+$pricetoadd;

i am trying to add price of product (id from get parameter) to product price

if i remove this line : $pricetoadd=Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_GET['id'])->getPrice();

it works fine

Best Answer

you can use catalog_product_load_after event to change the product price in view page.


public function loadaftercatalog($event) {
    $product = $event->getEvent()->getProduct();
    $originalprice = $product->getPrice();
    $customprice = $originalprice+20;

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