Magento – Show error message on shipping method if not applicable in Magento 2


I have developed custom shipping module. Now I want to show error message on shipping module if anything wrong like city, state, phone number etc.

I follow this link to create shipping method:

How do I achieve this?

Best Answer

Override checkAvailableShipCountries() at


Here you can get city, state, country etc from \Magento\Framework\DataObject $request

Use $this->_rateErrorFactory for display error

Final Code:

public function checkAvailableShipCountries(\Magento\Framework\DataObject $request)
    $allowedCity = "ahmedabad,surat,morbi";
    $allowedCity = explode(',', $allowedCity);

    if(in_array($request->getDestCity(), $allowedCity)) {
        return $this;
    } else {
        $error = $this->_rateErrorFactory->create();
        $errorMsg = $this->getConfigData('specificerrmsg');
                'Sorry, but we can\'t deliver to the destination city with this shipping module.'
        return $error;

    return $this;
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