Magento 1.9 Product Collection – Show New Products on a New Page


have created a 'new page' as 'latest products' and i want to show all the products in this page but sorted 'datewise' i.e. new first ..
i got from google was to use this code

<reference name="content">
  <block type="catalog/product_new" name="" alias="product_new" template="catalog/product/new.phtml" after="cms_page">
  <action method="addPriceBlockType"><type>bundle</type><block>bundle/catalog_product_price</block><template>bundle/catalog/product/price.phtml</template></action>
  <action method="setColumnCount"><columns>4</columns></action>
  <action method="setProductsCount"><count>4</count></action> 

but with this approach i have to set the product attribute " New from Date" .
in 'backend' i have a table where i have products with "Date Created" column
is it possible to pull products from that table, sorted 'datewise' and show in the 'new page' ??
if yes,
How ??
thanks for the help

Best Answer

You can do this by logging into the admin panel . A "new page" means a page under Admin Panel -> CMS -> Pages, you can select the page, edit the content and add a widget called "Catalog new product list".

the catalog new product list widget

There are times when an approach of editing files and writing code is needed as it is more powerful, but you should try to use Magento's build in functionality when possible, since it will be more tested that stuff you will write and will save you time;)