Magento – Showing Attributes Bundle Products Magento Community 1.9.1


Looking at the Bundled product template select.phtml, I cannot figure how to pull in the attribute options in the 'dropdown' select input type that distinguishes between children (Simple products) rather than the Product Name (by default). In Configurable products this is the super_configurable_attribute so what I'm looking to do is something like a super_bundle_attribute which displays the relative attribute option.


How I would need to change this in Magento CE 1.9?

Best Answer

I actually played around with this for a while and thanks to this post: Magento Bundle - Get attribute of option I was able to figure this out, the code change was from (native 1.9.1 select.phtml template):

<?php echo $this->getSelectionTitlePrice($_selection, false) ?></option>


<?php $bundledsize = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_selection->getId())->getAttributeText('your_custom_attribute'); echo $bundledsize; ?>