Magento 2.3.1 – Fix Fatal Error After Upgrade


If you Sign In to your account and then Sign Out again whilst on the Home page or Category Page you get the following error :-
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot instantiate interface Magento\Shipping\Model\CarrierFactoryInterface in /var/vendor/magento/framework/ObjectManager/Factory/AbstractFactory.php:116 Stack trace: #0

If you Sign In when on a product page the error occurs straight away.

This started after updating from v2.3.0 to v2.3.1

Initially on updating I had to disable several Magento modules that were causing the following error when running the command to Re-index

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot instantiate interface Magento\InventoryIndexer\Model\StockIndexTableNameResolverInterface in /var/vendor/magento/framework/ObjectManager/Factory/AbstractFactory.php:116 Stack trace: #0

I solved the reindex issue by disabling a number of modules in config.php

I am assuming my current Sign In issue is similar but I'm not sure what to disable.

I have tried the usual commands to Update and Compile with no result.

Does anyone know what modules could be related to the error – Cannot instantiate interface Magento\Shipping\Model\CarrierFactoryInterface?

Best Answer

First of all, do you have Redis installed? If so, open a CLI window and enter:-


followed by:-


this will clear any information in the Redis cache. Now we need to enable all of the Magento modules with the following command:-

bin/magento module:enable --all

That should fix it :)

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