Magento 2 Database – Simple Example of Retrieving and Displaying a Custom Table Field


I have a custom table in my Magento2 database and can not find a simple working example of how to connect, retrieve, and display the field data in a Magento2 page.

This one mostly works but is incomplete because it stops at fetching the field but doesn't show how to actually display the field on the webpage:

Can someone please provide a complete example?

Best Answer

You have mentioned a tutorial that explains CRUD operation without a model, but it is not good practice using object manager.

let me explain the crud operation with the model, it is very simple. This is a very important concept in Magento.

For example, Let's consider the below table structure

enter image description here

For CRUD operation you need to create three things

1. Model

In Model, you need to initialize the resource model


namespace <vendor>\<module>\Model;
use Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel;
class Example extends AbstractModel
     * Define resource model
    protected function _construct()

2. Resource Model

In the Resource model, you need to initialize the table name and primary key.


namespace <vendor>\<module>\Model\Resource;
class Example extends \Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db\AbstractDb
     * Define the main table
    protected function _construct()
    $this->_init('custom_table_name', 'id');   //here id is the primary key of custom table

3. Collection

In the collection, you need to define the Model and Resource Model.


namespace <vendor>\<module>\Model\ResourceModel\Example;

class Collection extends \Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db\Collection\AbstractCollection
     * Define model & resource model
    protected function _construct()

That's it, now you can able to fetch table values in any block using dependency injection.

For eg: Get and Set Data in Block

Kindly note, we pass <module>\<vendor>\Model\ExampleFactory in the constructor, but none of the files will be found in that location

In Magento 2, each CRUD model has a corresponding factory class. All factory class names are the name of the model class appended with the word “Factory”.Since our model class is named <module>/<vendor>/Model/Example this means our factory class is named <module>/<vendor>/Model/ExampleFactory


protected $_exampleFactory; 

public function __construct( <vendor>\<module>\Model\ExampleFactory $db)
    $this->_exampleFactory = $db;
public function anyMethodYouWant()
//set value
$this->_exampleFactory->create()->setData(array('event_name' => 'xyz', 'event_imgurl' => 'xyz',...............))->save();

//get value
foreach ($data as $d ) 
       echo $d->getEventImgurl();   //table field event_imgurl
       echo $d->getEventName();    //table field event_name


after that, you can call this block method in your template file

<?php $block->anyMethodYouWant(); ?>
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