Magento 1 Sitemap – How to Change Home in sitemap.xml


On our Magento store the sitemap which Magento automatically generates from the admin panel at Catalog > Google Sitemap adds the home url to our homepage like:


Is there a way to change it to


Best Answer

you are getting that url because the homepage is a CMS page.
In your case it has the identifier home.
In order to change that url you need to rewrite the method Mage_Sitemap_Model_Resource_Cms_Page::_prepareObject and make it look like this:

protected function _prepareObject(array $data)
    $object = new Varien_Object();
    //for home set url to ''
    if ($data['url'] == 'home') {
        $data['url'] = '';

    return $object;

of course this won't work if you change the homepage to an other page. But it's a quick way of doing it.
If you want the clean version you have to check what is the hompage for your current store.
For this add a new member and method like this:

protected $_homeId = array();
public function getHomepageId($storeId)
    if (!isset($this->_homeId[$storeId]))) {
        $pageId = Mage::getStoreConfig(Mage_Cms_Helper_Page::XML_PATH_HOME_PAGE, $storeId);
        $delimeterPosition = strrpos($pageId, '|');
        if ($delimeterPosition) {
            $pageId = substr($pageId, 0, $delimeterPosition);
        $this->_homeId[$storeId] = $pageId;
    return $this->_homeId[$storeId];

In this case, you need to modify the getCollection method in the same class. Before $page = $this->_prepareObject($row); add this:

if ($row[$this->getIdFieldName()] == $this->getHomepageId($store)) {
    $row['url'] = '';
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