Skip Import Row with Invalid Value for Field Type in Magento 1.9


I know there are a few issues with this already, but I have tried some of the solutions.But they dont seem to work. Is there a default set of fields that the CSV must have. I have checked my CSV and all of the titles are in lower case, there are no spaces after each title, and the sku are unique.

Best Answer

Yes, there are some required columns in CSV. Check list below:

  • type_id OR _type
  • _attribute_set
  • tax_class_id
  • weight
  • sku
  • name
  • price
  • description
  • short_description

Without the following fields, product will be created at database, but it won’t be visible to frontend :

  • visibility
  • _root_category
  • _category
  • _product_websites
  • status
  • qty
  • is_in_stock