Magento 2 – Fix ‘Something Went Wrong While Saving the File(s)’ Error


After Saving the category from the admin side, it successfully saved the category. But in the exception.log file I got the following error.

"exception":"[object] (Magento\\Framework\\Exception\\LocalizedException(code: 0): Something went wrong while saving the file(s). at /opt/lampp/htdocs/m2/vendor/magento/module-catalog/Model/ImageUploader.php:215)"

Any Help will be appreciated. My Magento version is 2.3.1.

Best Answer

Seems like permissions issue, try to fix it for the whole project:

anyway I'll recommend you to check all images which saving during category save process using the xDebug or something similar, because exception throws when magento trying to copy/move a media file from one place to another.

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