Magento – Sort product collection after load


I have a module that shows some product that I want to sort by ID.

I'm trying the following code with no success

    $_helper = $this->helper('catalog/output');
$_productCollection->addAttributeToSort('entity_id', 'desc');

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Collections inherit from the class


There's a method named addOrder on that class.

public function addOrder($field, $direction = self::SORT_ORDER_DESC)
    return $this->_setOrder($field, $direction);

So, you'd think something like this should work for basic ordering


However, it doesn't. Because of the complex joining involved in EAV Collections, there's a special method used to add an attribute to the order clause


However again, this can only be used to add simple attributes. To create an arbitrary sort, you'll need to manipulate the Zend_Select object directly. I'm not a big fan of this, and I'm not a big fan of using custom mysql functions to achieve things, but it appears it's the only way to do this

I tested the following code on a stock install and got the desired results. You should be able to use it to get what you want.

        $products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()

        //shakes fist at PDO's array parameter
        $products->getSelect()->order("entity_id DESC");
        foreach($products as $product)

Hope this helps

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