Magento 1.9 – Special Price Not Translated


I am using the latest Magento DE version ( and while everything else works fine (like "Regular price") "Special price" is not translated. I've tried changing the "Mage_Catalog.csv" in the "locale/de_DE" folder and it is there. I noticed, that other than said in the translation file there is no column behind "Special price", so I changed the file to:

"Special Price:","Sonderpreis:"
"Special Price","Sonderpreis:"
"Special Price: %s","Sonderpreis: %s"
"Special Price %s","Sonderpreis: %s"

(just for testing purposes of course) and it still won't change. As far as I can tell the text is called in the price.phtml file as "Special price".
What am I missing?

Best Answer

The definitive answer to this question is that Special Price is an attribute.

You can simply translate the Special Price price-label from your Magento Admin Panel, just go to

Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes

and open the Special Price attribute (attribute code special_price).

From there select the tab Manage Label / Options.

Here you can set the proper translation for each of your store views.

enter image description here

After saving the attribute don't forget to flush Magento cache.

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