Magento Specific Error Messages on Coupon Codes


Is it possible to get the reason that a coupon code is invalid? For example, if I have a shopping cart rule that specifies that the order subtotal must be $100 or more, and the user tries to use the coupon on a subtotal that is only $75, could I show a message along the lines of "your cart must be $100 or more"?

Best Answer

Here's an approach that I took to put in a better error message for two specific filters: the from date and to date.

Those filters are pretty simple compared to digging into the actual rule conditions such as subtotal, as you've mentioned in your question, but I think still provide a significant usability improvement with a pretty straight forward implementation.

There are two pretty clean rewrites that can be done to accomplish this.


Overload the addWebsiteGroupDateFilter method to prevent rules that don't match the date filter from being excluded entirely from the rules that are processed.

public function addWebsiteGroupDateFilter($websiteId, $customerGroupId, $now = null)
    parent::addWebsiteGroupDateFilter($websiteId, $customerGroupId, $now);

    $where = $this->_removeDateFilters();
    $this->getSelect()->setPart('where', $where);

    return $this;

protected function _removeDateFilters()
    $where = $this->getSelect()->getPart('where');

    foreach ($where as $index => $whereLine) {
        if (strpos($whereLine, "from_date is null or from_date <") !== false) {
        } elseif (strpos($whereLine, "to_date is null or to_date >") !== false) {

    $where = array_values($where);

    return $where;


Overload the _canProcessRule method to check the dates and add a specific error message to the session.

protected function _canProcessRule($rule, $address)
    if ($this->_isRuleExpired($rule, $address)) {
        return false;

    return parent::_canProcessRule($rule, $address);

protected function _isRuleExpired($rule, $address)
    if ($rule->getFromDate() && date('Y-m-d', time()) < $rule->getFromDate()) {
        $message = "This coupon won't be active until {$rule->getFromDate()}";
        Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->addUniqueMessages(new Mage_Core_Model_Message_Error($message));

        return true;

    if ($rule->getToDate() && date('Y-m-d', time()) > $rule->getToDate()) {
        $message = "This coupon expired on {$rule->getToDate()}";
        Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->addUniqueMessages(new Mage_Core_Model_Message_Error($message));

        return true;
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