Magento – Speed up layered navigation filter in Magento


Any way to speed up the layered navigation? I'm using a Manapro Filtered Navigation extension for some extra features, but it still takes about 5-6 seconds when I change each filter.

I only have 5 visible filters, so hopefully it's not that. There are about 65k variations of products, so I don't know if it's just that, and maybe I need to look into speeding the mySQL queries somehow?

Any ideas?

Best Answer

For each attribute you have in Magento and that is marked as filtrable, it will make a call to getAllOptions() of attribute source model. Even if there is no filter results for it, it will invoke attribute option collection load. Possible solution other optimization tips described here:

Also make sure the layered navigation block is cached ( many simple extensions just skip this)

Try solr based layered navigation as well.

Server performance is also important.