Magento 1.7 – Speed Up REST/SOAP API


We have been using Magento's REST/SOAP apis on version and it is far from being performant for us. We constantly experience timeouts even with WSDL cache turned on especially if large data sets are involved.

After attending a Magento meetup I realized that we are not the only ones who experience these performance issues when it comes to the Magento API.

Are there any related optimizations we can take to speed up the Magento API other than not using the API?

Best Answer

It is pity, but there is no drop-in solution to make Magento SOAP API faster.

API is slow not only on Magento side but also on the client side, as WSDL size is incredibly huge for loading into memory and creating all necessary objects to work with it. Depending on your API usage you might consider the following:

  1. Avoid using API at all and switch to document based exchange (CSV files exchange for ERP communication)
  2. Write custom API endpoints that expose only needed functionality via WSDL and/or use custom api models, that do only thing required for your business logic.
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