Magento – SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1030 Got error 28 from storage engine


I have deleted cache, session and reports as per some of the other threads

I've deleted some other image files and larger files to bring my disk space down and have also paid for more disk space.

I'm still getting the error.

Thanks so much!

Best Answer

Out of disk space Error 28 from Operating System.

This is happening on the Database Server because it is out of disk space or because your hosting provider has set a database size limit that your database cannot grow beyond for fair sharing of resources (shared hosting)

Check with your hosting provider to have them sort the issue out.

Alternatively it can happen when the system /tmp folder is full (separate mount point, disk full). Again a hosting provider issue unless you're running a VPS.

1030 Got error 28 from storage engine

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