SSL – How to Secure Entire Frontend in Magento 1.9


I run a store selling digital products and for me it is very important to show customers that my ENTIRE store is safe. Also Google have started to reward sites ussing SSL.

I would like to use SSL (https) on all my Frontend pages in Magento. I have searched the forum and Google for answers and/or extensions but without result.

Does anyone know how to achieve this? Also, should i except any problems when doing this? I know that the speed will be reduced but that is OK.

Best Answer

The redirect to HTTPS root has nothing to do with the unsafe URL setting and the .htaccess setting suggested is not required.

If you have issues when redirecting from to when using HTTPS, just go to:

System -> Configuration -> General -> Web -> Redirect options

And set:

Auto-redirect to Base URL -> No

If you need to fix broken URLs from broken addons/styles by changing href="http://somewhere... or src="http://somewhere..." into href="//somewhere... and src="//somewhere..." as usual to prevent mixed content issues. Of course, all external services should support HTTPS, but keep in mind the slowdown of having external resources.

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