Static Block Not Showing on Left Sidebar of CMS Pages – Fix


I am having problem in displaying Static Block on CMS pages Left Sidebar.

My Settings: CMS Page -> Design -> Layout -> 2 columns with left bar

Layout Update XML:

<reference name="left"> <block type="cms/block"
name="left.permanent.callout"> <action
method="setBlockId"><block_id>left_menu</block_id></action> </block>

On CMS pages there is left block however nothing shows up (empty left bar)

Anyone who could help?

Thank you

PS: Yes I have created left_menu under static blocks

Best Answer

I think the problem you have is the name of the block you are trying to insert. In the Magento rwd theme in the cms.xml layout file the block with that name is remove from the layout:

<remove name="left.permanent.callout"/>

Try changing the name from left.permanent.callout to something else and it should work.