Magento – Static content deploy – Compilation from source


Doing a setup:static-content:deploy never finishes deploying files on a custom theme. Instead gives Compilation from source: frontend/Vendor/theme/en_US/css/email-fonts.less and then stops compiling.

Ran a grunt clean, grunt exec to remove all files in pub/static, var/*

No luck. Store is currently stuck in Client Side Compilation Mode, setting it to Server Side Compilation Mode renders no styles

Store is in Development mode, I am also unable to set to Production mode using deploy:mode:set production

Any help, insight is appreciated.

Best Answer

A little late to the party but what if you rename the source frontend/Vendor/theme/web/css/source/email-fonts.less file to _email-fonts.less (notice the underscore)

I was just getting the same notices/errors with a less file on a theme I'm trying to fix (Smartwave/porto). As soon as added the underscore in front of the filename Magento stopped complaining during static content deploy.

Compilation from source: error

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