Magento – ‘Stop Further Rules From Processing’ doesn’t work as expected


Basically I have 2 shopping cart rules and I only want one to be applied at any one time.

My first shopping cart rule is a discount code that gives you 10% discount on products in your cart that are in a certain category.
And my second is a little more complex as it gives you 100% discount on a product when a differnet product is added to your cart. For example, if you have a t-shirt and a hat in your cart, then you get the hat for free.

So at the moment when I have the t-shirt and hat in the cart at the same time, I get a discount of £6.00 (which is the price of the hat).
Then when I enter the coupon code, I get a further 10% off. So if my t-shirt was £10 and the hat was £6, The total to be paid would be £9.

I need it so that only one of these rules can be applied at any one time, I don't mind how it works, just as long as customers cannot take advantage of this issue.

I have heard that this is something to do with the priorities of the rules, but I have spent a few hours playing around with different settings but cannot get this to work.

I've attached some screenshots of my rule settings, hopefully they will give you a better idea of what's going on.

Thank you

enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

  1. Rules are applied in priority low to high (0 -> 1000)
  2. Stop further rules: YES means, process THIS rule and then stop.

So if I understand you correctly, you want only one rule processed, so either discount on the hat or on the shirt.

Give the 100% hat discount priority 100 and the shirt priority 200, at least the hat Stop further processing: YES

So if the hat rule is processed it is stopped.

The priorities 100 and 200 are to have space between to add more rules, 1 and 2 would work either.

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