Magento 1.9 Checkout – Stuck at Billing Information Section


Every time i try to continue the testing procedure for the checkout page i get stuck at the billing information. It says loading, but does not continue for the next section.

  1. I'm using one page checkout
  2. when i click inspect element and go to the network tab it is showing 1 js file which is
  3. The error returned is: "Uncaught TypeError: string is not a function" in a js file called prototype.js
  4. I'm using magento 1.9

Anyone can help on this ??
My website is

Thnaks in advance

Best Answer

Can't Comment, (not high enough reputation), but the function that is resulting in the error is in the opcheckout.js script, line 372, where the Ajax function is called that saves the billing information.

I would start by window.console.logging all of the parameters that are passed to that function before it is called so that you can diagnose the issue. My guess is that one of them has problems (is null or of the wrong type based upon your error).

When you revert to the base theme, does the problem still occur?

If not, do a comparison between the template files (likely package/template/checkout/onepage.phtml and/or package/template/persistent/checkout/onepage/billing.phtml) with their base package counterparts to locate the differences, and hopefully the issue.