Magento – Surcharge Fee not included in tax calculation


I am trying to add a product-specific Extra-Shipping-Fee via product attributes.
The customer can buy a product and has to pay Extra-Shipping-Fee if it is set in Backend for that product.
There is another attribute which determines if the Extra-Shipping-Fee should be calculated multiple times, if the product is bought multiple times.
Everything works fine: The fee is getting charged by a total-model.
But it is not considered in tax-calculation. The Extra-Shipping-Fee is meant to include tax. The Total is calculated correctly, but the Extra-Shipping-Fee is not included in tax-calculation..
What am I missing? How do I say "Magento! Please include this fee in tax-calculation!" I am on this for days now and can't figure it out..
Every help is appreciated!

Here is what I got so far in my Total-Model:

class ****_Versandaufpreis_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Shipping_Surcharge extends Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Abstract

    public function collect(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
        $total = 0;
        foreach ($address->getAllItems() as $item)
            if ($item->getVersandaufschlagMf() == 1) {
                $total += $item->getExtraVersandkosten() * $item->getQty();
            } else {
                $total += $item->getExtraVersandkosten();

        * add to Grand Total
        $baseTotal = $this->_getBaseAmount($total);


        * Store in Address Model

        return $this;

    * Convert to Base-Currency
    * @param float $amount
    * @return float $amount converted Amount
    public function _getBaseAmount($amount)
        $currentCurrency = Mage::app()->getStore()->getCurrentCurrency();
        $baseCurrency = Mage::app()->getStore()->getBaseCurrency();

        if ($baseCurrency->getCode() == $currentCurrency->getCode())
            $baseAmount = $amount;
            $baseAmount = Mage::helper('directory')->currencyConvert($amount, $currentCurrency, $baseCurrency);

        return $baseAmount;

    * @param   Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address
    * @return  ****_Versandaufpreis_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Shipping_Surcharge
    public function fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
        if ($address->getExtraVersandkosten() > 0)
                'code'  => $this->getCode(),
                'title' => Mage::helper('versandaufpreis')->__('Versandaufpreis'),
                'value' => $address->getExtraVersandkosten()
        return $this;

And here is the extension's config.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>


                <extra_versandkosten translate="title">




The order of $sortedOrderCollectors in Mage_Sales_Model_Config_Ordered is the following

    [0] => nominal
    [1] => subtotal
    [2] => freeshipping
    [3] => extra_versandkosten
    [4] => tax_subtotal
    [5] => shipping
    [6] => tax_shipping
    [7] => weee
    [8] => discount
    [9] => phoenix_cashondelivery
    [10] => tax
    [11] => phoenix_cashondelivery_tax
    [12] => grand_total
    [13] => msrp

Best Answer

You have to check, whether the totals are in the correct order, because magento is sill buggy here.

Hook here in: \Mage_Sales_Model_Config_Ordered::_getSortedCollectorCodes and check wether the returned $sortedCollectors is in the correct order.

The problem is, magento doesn't sort correctly. If the order is wrong, add more totals to <before> and <after> node, until it works. You can just add more totals comma seperated like <before>tax,grand_total,subtotal</before>

Good luck!