Magento – Tables Permission_Block and Permission_Variable Not Created After SUPEE-6788


I installed the patch SUPEE-6788 on my local website and everything went fine. I uploaded all modified files to our production website but tables permission_block and permission_variable did not get created.

I have done the same steps on other 2 websites before this one and everything went fine (one has the same version).

What can I do?

I have already cleared the cache and visited the home page.

Best Answer

The tables should be created as part of the upgrade of Mage_Admin from version to You can verify that the setup/upgrade scripts succeeded by checking the version and data_version fields in the core_resource table:

select * from core_resource where code = 'admin_setup';

Both values should show version, if either of them do not have this value then it's likely that the upgrade failed.