Magento 1.9 – Tax Rounding and Catalog Price Rules


On my store we have a product that costs £2.95 including tax (at current UK rate of 20%). The tax seems to calculate fine here.

However, I then have a Customer Group that gets 30% off, which should make the price £2.07. When I first load both the Category and Product page, it correctly shows £2.07 for this configurable product and logged in with the Customer Group.

But then when I choose one of the Simple Product options, the price displays as £2.06 – 1p difference. However, when the product is added to the cart, it goes in at the correct amount of £2.07 so the issue appears to be the rounding on the display price.

I'm using Magento and wondered if other people have the same issue with the combination of tax and customer group discount?


Best Answer

Try overridding Mage_Core_Model_Store::roundPrice().

public function roundPrice($price)
        return round($price, 2);


public function roundPrice($price)
        return round($price, 4);
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