Magento 1.9 – Best Full Page Cache Options


We run an online store and are looking for a FPC solution. There are a lot of players in the field and it is hard to choose one. We were using the Tinybrick Opencommerce Lightspeed Warp FPC but we are running into a lot of issues with it. I would prefer a company that has live support but I know this is likely not possible. Our hosting company stated that Varnish would require four times more hosting power than what we currently have. We tried Lesti FPC but the speed improvement was very small.

Store owners only, can you please recommend a FPC solution that you work with that has significant speed improvement and offers good support and does not cause problems with the site? If you would include a link to your site for testing that would be amazing!

We have already done a lot of speed optimization for the site on the hosting end and on the site itself. We were loading the page at 2.5 seconds but after we decided to make the whole site EV SSL based on the new Google recommendation, our load time is not sitting at around 4.20 seconds load. We are hoping that the FPC solution will be able to help out with the load times. Thanks!

Best Answer

My company develops Evolved Caching which is a FPC solution so I'm not a store owner but I will make a few comments on your question.

Firstly only you can really make a decision on which FPC solution is best for your store - I'm not going to say our solution is the 'best' as it means very little, everyone who develops FPC solution is probably going to say that. I would however recommend you trial all the options you can for free before committing to one, that way you can test the extension and the support before you buy (you can trial ours here if you are interested). In my opinion if a company is confident in their product they have no reason to not offer a free trial.

Secondly Magento has such wide possibility for development it's completely impossible for any solution to work flawlessly on all stores. If any FPC developer says their solution will work without fail on every install - just don't believe them as it won't be true. The key here is the versatility in the way the extension has been developed and the willingness of the developers to help you make the extension work correctly on your particular install. If they are unwilling to help, then you probably want to think about whether you want to go with them or not. Essentially if the extension has been developed well, and the store has been developed well, it shouldn't be too hard to get caching working correctly even if there are a few initial issues.

Thirdly if adding SSL has increased page load times by nearly 2 seconds - you definitely have a problem there. The only overhead SSL adds is the handshake and this shouldn't take anything like 2 seconds to complete - it should be adding milliseconds not seconds onto load times.

It sounds like you have pretty decent page load times already assuming you can get SSL sorted out and the 2.5 seconds is uncached load times so you are in a good position to consider a FPC solution, but as I said above, look at what available, test what you can and make your own mind up. Obviously I hope you choose ours, but if you don't that's ok ;)