Magento – the best way to setup SSL certificates on a Multi Store installation


We currently have a client who has a multi store setup (3 websites) with 3 different URLS (.com,.fr,.ie). Each URL needed an SSL certificate and since an SSL certificate is bound to one IP we had to create several accounts on WHM and do some cpanel trickery (not ideal) to get the .fr and .ie to point to the .com directory while having an SSL associated with it.

This works for us but I am convinced there is a better way of doing this and I was wondering if the Magento community could enlighten me?

Best Answer

You don't need an IP per domain - you can use a single domain with a single certificate. This isn't using SNI - but SAN.

SAN is widely recognised and has 99.9% browser recognition.

So you could sign up for a SAN certificate (the Comodo Positive Multi-Domain is currently the cheapest) - and just add your other domains to the same certificate.

This would mean you only need a single account on cPanel (thus simplified permissions) - and you can keep editing/adding domains to the same certificate.

Otherwise, you could have multiple accounts, with multiple IPs (waste) - and maintain file permissions using ACLs/UMASK and sticky bits.


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