Magento – the event dispatching when abandoned cart save it’s data


I need to save some additional data in sales_flat_quote table. So what is the event which dispatching when the abandoned cart data saves in this table?

EDIT: I need to save item names comma separately in the sales_flat_quote table by adding a new column. Hope a data script can be used to fill the column. But How can I do this without an event observer?

Please be kind enough to provide suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  1. There is no specific event triggered for abandoned cart (as far as I know).
  2. You can check it manually using a cron job.
  3. You can use controller_action_postdispatch_customer_account_logout event to check the sales_flat_quote table which aren't present in sales_flat_order table. This will give you the abandoned quotes (in other words abandoned carts).

this link will give you the exact answer for your question.


You cannot rely on controller_action_postdispatch_customer_account_logout event completely as there are many untraceable instances, which will result in abandoned carts viz.

  • User closing browser window
  • Sudden power off etc.

Therefore cron would be the better Idea!


There are some paid extensions to do this job for you.