Magento – Where Meta-Titles for Categories Are Set


I want to change my page titles for categories but cannot find where it's originally set.

Right now, they look usually like this: Laptops – Computers – Electronics – Magento

But I cannot find the piece of code that lines up all the categories and seperates them with " – "

I expected it to be in


Or in


Or maybe


but it was nowhere to be found.

In Category_View the title gets only set when there is a title set in the backend:

if ($title = $category->getMetaTitle()) {

but there's no else after that.

In Mage_Page_Block_Html_Head there is the method getDefaultTitle() which I'd expect to be called when no title has been set.

I am aware that I don't necessarily need to find that piece of code to change my title but it would certainly help to understand magento better.

For clarification:
I am talking about meta-titles.
I know how to set them.
I want to know where they are set that they look like this:
Laptops – Computers – Electronics – Magento


Best Answer

It's located in Mage_Catalog_Block_Breadcrumbs.

This isn't the most obvious location but kind of makes sense as the breadcrumbs are displayed in a similar manner.