Magento – There are no products matching the selection


I can't seem to get the products showing up on the home page. I keep getting "There are no products matching the selection."

This is what I have tried so far …

Category ID is 35,

Is Active = Yes,
Show in Nav Bar = No
Display mode = Products & Static Blockx

CMS > Pages > Home > Content >

<div>{{block type="catalog/product_list" template="catalog/product/home.phtml" category_id="35"}}</div> 

There are current 6 products under this category. They all are in stock and show up when browsed via navigation bar. The only issue is that I can't get them listed on the home page.

I have tried searching on Google and Magento forum where people advise re-indexing data etc and I have tried all these but still no luck. What am I doing wrong? Any ideas how can I sort it out?

Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

Here are some things to try that will help narrow down the cause of the problem:

  1. Try using the default catalog/product/list.phtml template instead of your custom one
  2. Try a different category or create a new one if necessary

If you post your catalog/product/home.phtml the community may be able to better assist you.

EDIT: The cause of the problem in this case was that the category was either a root category or outside the website/store scope - moving the category inside the current store's default category solved the problem, see comments below.

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