Magento – “There has been an error processing your request” but no /var/report directory


I have 1.9.1 and finished building the site a few days ago. Nothing was ever wrong, now all of a sudden this morning I get an error on ALL pages frontend and admin:

There has been an error processing your request Exception printing is
disabled by default for security reasons.

Error log record number: 189535875249

I have tried following the instructions here and here but it seems this is for a different version of Magento as I do not have var/report. So I have no idea where to even check this specific error but from everywhere I can see I need to manually create a tmp folder and edit some core code. I guess some Magento developer decided havint the install create the correct directories was not important and the better solution was to crash people's frontend a few days after install with no warning.

Can anyone tell me where the var/report has been moved?

Best Answer

You can see the error in browser (if that's what you want to do) by renaming errors/local.xml.sample to errors/local.xml . The exceptions with traces will be shown in browser then.

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